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新闻浅议“移民华企的能源思考应对”-6.2% 的再次上涨,









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6106 点
1653 金币
发表于 2011-3-2 11:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Independent 于 2011-3-2 22:25 编辑 2 m/ M; H6 ~+ ~9 ?
% [9 }! f+ s  Q: s; `! U
“安省电价或有 6.2% 的再次上涨” -能源新闻快译报 【企业参考】  @$ E1 H; |' ^4 ?* w
Ont. electricity rates expected to rise next week
! C7 q$ u! G0 C-Ref:  CBC News 13:03 2011-2-23
- _6 [* b* A# P7 l
-据加通社透露, 安省电价可能在三月一日 起再次 有6.2% 的上涨 (三月一日 起)
( Q6 I- p3 ~; R7 E# k2 n5 q7 z& U4 O/ J
- y5 Y& L& U' C下面文摘两则, 政府册页, 及近来媒体的报道当引起加拿大移民华企的能源策略,管理风险成本控制方面地思考! 3 s. G; `& Y1 P. U1 V- Z6 K

  • 安省近年来众多的媒体的不断报道, 这是因为安省的老化供电系统,目前处在改造更新期,2017 前完成前将呈现动荡。
  • 安省绿能源法指定了 “数字电表” 为2010-2012 年间推行的智能电表, 工程巨大, 法定必行。
  • 安省绿能源法调整能源战略,将关闭老式污染型供电厂,建立可持续性绿色能源供能系统,大瀑布水利开发,及太阳能,风能开发工程力度加大。
  • 安省政府 2010 秋季 经济报告 *Canada Economy Report 预计 2017 前 电价将上升 46% 每年呈7.9% 增长.
  • 安省政府 二月六日 发出小册页, 告知居民, "安省电价与世界其他地方一样, 将会上升"  解释了诸多理由。
    • 大型耗能的华人企业, 如农业暖房, 中小生产企业, 大型超市,大型餐饮及大型物业管理企业等,应该掌控宏观信息, 采取长期策略应对, 规避能源成本上升, 降低企业的能源风险成本。
    • 有些人, 天真幻想一天保守党执政, 能改变电价, 但不知西方的政治是有一些换汤不换药的. 个人认为即便是保守党执政, 也必须面对老化供电系统, 及地方电业的债务及低效现实。

! c1 n$ A& @: U+ w" u8 J


( One English Pub Business Case Ref.  

Oshawa英式酒吧 )

7 B* M. ~; K- g9 _/ q7 c( q- ]

某能源公司中长期价格比较图, 仅供参考


能源新闻快译报 【企业参考】* B3 x- r0 k' {$ B4 m) i

Ref:  CBC News 13:03 2011-2-23  {4 V2 T8 @& \) i" I
2 X' o1 D9 o  ~2 z3 X
Electricity ratepayers in Ontario, already reeling from soaring prices, should brace for more increases. The Ontario Energy Board agreed Tuesday to let utilities raise rates to recover $18 million they paid in fines and legal costs after charging consumers excessive interest on late payments.
% E2 l3 `( I) X  w  p! [" D' z" O。。。。。“加通社透露, 安省电价可能在三月一日 起再次 有6.2% 的上涨”
5 B( b$ ^- D5 ^+ f% mThe energy board is also expected to rule shortly on a request from Ontario Power Generation for a 6.2 per cent increase in its electricity rates effective March 1. 据悉, 安省能源可能批准一项由安省供电系统最近提出的关于电费增长 6.2% (3 月1 日生效)的提案。6 [2 q0 G9 w% s. V/ ~
The Liberal government has been under non-stop attack over rising electricity rates, especially since the HST was added to hydro bills last July. But Premier Dalton McGuinty said Tuesday he wouldn't be directing the energy board on OPG's rate request.* l6 W, [. ^2 ^; g0 {1 @
"The OPG request is the kind of thing that will have to be considered by the Ontario Energy Board," said McGuinty.. \7 m: n5 Z) [1 i6 Y
5 ?& }9 S+ Z; F8 Q! b
Listen and read more ? 更多阅读 及视听:
4 S' n: s% c9 V2 F* U' n2 qLink: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2011/02/22/ontaro-electricity-rates.html; W3 i6 u  D3 ]' k9 V. z
& t7 ?: n0 }- W7 F: y

*注, 通常安省能源局会在一年里 五月,及十一月 每六个月调整制定发布普通电价,( Local 75 家地方电力公司的 RPP 价格)
6 r# N( |) y0 Y" Z- H2 r
+ W% N* Q* [, |5 Y; m9 E) n

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

6106 点
1653 金币
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-15 07:26 | 显示全部楼层
【能源新闻研究】-7:23 2011-3-152 ?9 B. [  T0 O8 ^

/ H/ q: d; ^3 o0 KOPG is a $5.6-billion operation that runs nuclear, hydroelectric and coal-burning power plants.1 b% h0 T4 Z1 F# L8 N7 V
% r* E$ D+ \- O  v" O4 \# m+ a. h
The largest of those hydro stations and the nuclear plants are paid a so-called regulated rate, set by the OEB, which is now 3.5 cents a kilowatt hour for hydro and 5.5 cents a kWh for nuclear.
9 E2 e; i$ A* o% I2 [5 v. \& Q" ^
! F. w% `' V5 P6 {OPG had applied for a 6.2% hike in the price it gets for power from these plants, which produce 48% of the province’s electricity, but the OEB’s response was to cut the increase to 1%, which OPG estimates will add about 30 cents to the average bill.& H4 _! x! D* R* S6 n. R

7 P' S) i1 s& T2 GBesides denying the utility its rate request, the OEB also said it’s worried about the planned refurbishment of the Darlington nuclear station, wondering whether the cost estimate of up to $10 billion is enough.% R4 t3 K' ^3 n, K& J4 E7 i
) i0 v6 J, y6 I/ `+ _0 z9 Q
“The board has concerns because no CANDU plant has yet been refurbished on budget,” the ruling says, although it added it does find the cost estimate reasonable.
# V% n8 s% J4 g# j% g
* X/ C) i4 [9 n“Power utility too fat, overpaid, board says”5 J% b) F4 ]! G/ s
http://www.torontosun.com/news/t ... 03/11/17585736.html
! \3 Z/ r) Y0 s$ @  ^) ]By JONATHAN JENKINS, % I- I# c0 b! F2 Z3 \1 }' M
Queen's Park Bureau
ABS Energy Service Ontario. 业务短信:647 880 1319
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