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发表于 2012-5-10 00:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 feng2011 于 2012-5-10 13:27 编辑 8 y- @% z  [- v2 Z# Z

% v  ~# n* i9 h2 f: ?8 f2 n4 x

加拿大小伦敦各位同仁,现Western心理学语言实验室需要,18岁以上会普通话的实验参与者, 你只需要回答一张中文问卷(您可以在20分钟左右完成答卷;幼儿园小学中文难度),便可获得5刀奖励。测试时间为5月10,11,14, 15日下午2点,每次测试人数不限。伦敦, 安省,安大略, 加拿大,London, 中文论坛, 华人论坛; e9 }7 A7 s' D3 [
* v9 x9 g2 Y* V& f! u  f* {6 `4 [0 w+ {, _0 O+ }/ J# Q
实验地点:Natural Sciences Building at UWO,2楼加拿大伦敦中文论坛™& S5 |, Z+ [* \; z/ c- g4 }9 H
  \& ]6 a# q' A5 M( m) B$ o6 T6 r  w* x. s4 a* [1 s
8 Y! m  q# w5 ^, g0 q2 P/ L伦敦, 安省,安大略, 加拿大,London, 中文论坛, 华人论坛$ d3 b0 g+ C3 K! }/ B! l! W) Y" F9 [# @. f, v6 g( f: Q3 t' ~5 i

2 {4 r' x% V% U如有兴趣请联系
9 p. K9 z. ~* v( ^/ Aresearchuwo@gmail.com(限中文联系)5 P; q0 E9 N, N

8 E2 k4 P4 M( _, h1 m5 u+ x9 a未来我们的实验还会需要很多会说中文的参与者,测试后会得到更为丰厚的补偿,如果您有兴趣,也请与我们联系。/ g; o! \: X  h' \" Y9 J
+ E9 A5 W' \8 c3 F) g1 @
9 w& k( y: G- k7 G+ w/ p: N, X: u" l& ?) e# k$ I( H: W. [. w' O
London中文论坛) x# K  f, T& g' Q1 y* W3 I! J4 h) h# a" p* E2 f" N
加拿大伦敦中文论坛™' }! c0 b5 D; k2 K2 T) v! v0 R' S; F8 j4 J* o* R, h
" I( N( {/ k' d! T8 L/ c# L  X. N% q

Hi there,

www.londonchinese.ca' Q0 ~2 y5 I7 M' L( n! ]8 r' e$ _9 z8 F& i

Thank you for your interest in my study! Let me give you some more details, and then we can figure out when you can come in.

伦敦, 安省,安大略, 加拿大,London, 中文论坛, 华人论坛. m: ?, `( s- Z5 _6 L) E0 S- {) n- @6 {, m& p

For this study, you will complete several surveys regarding Mandarin words. It will take roughly 25-30 minutes (maybe longer, maybe shorter), and you will receive $5 for your time. You must speak Mandarin as a first language, and be able to read Mandarin well.

* j, R# F, X/ z) @/ J: N' A

When you come in, you should come to the Natural Sciences building at UWO, and take the elevator to the second floor. There is a waiting area outside the elevator, and I'll meet you there at the scheduled time.

7 }) ]4 S7 U: d$ S

If you are still interested, please let me know if any of the following times work:

5 |8 v9 c& G. {9 h% z) p

Thursday, May 10, 2:00 pm

Friday, May 11, 2:00 pm

Monday, May 14, 2:00 pm

Tuesday, May 15, 2:00 pm

London中文论坛' k$ I/ N2 l  j; p; n. [1 ~- \$ m4 `
5 v: l& @; H. H* K+ k4 K

If none of those times work, please let me know and we will find another time that does!

* p" o: `# D% P6 Y3 E5 {" Q- Y  r! M8 B; S$ J

Thanks again for your interest, and I look forward to hearing from you.

9 x0 L, S% q+ s- f; A3 j

Emily Nichols

MSc Candidate

Department of Psychology

University of Western Ontario

/ H8 B  t/ D9 C3 m/ o) r
8 s7 B3 b/ |- @6 Y2 a: w& F+ r( ~4 A4 F

屏幕快照 2012-05-07 下午7.56.08.png (31.8 KB)

7 r! l. A$ F. G$ z4 ?' ~8 W1 `- E9 [

屏幕快照 2012-05-07 下午7.58.01.png (133.86 KB)

5 w6 S# R6 l2 W( L8 s, ~4 f1 Z; _( L. r# ~
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